Originally Posted by Larry1953
To remain obtuse, the play was on a forced runner. The rules say such runner can be put out if either he or the base he was forced to is tagged before he touches said base and no run can score if such force out is the third out.
Many times you see F3 snag a liner while diving toward 1B while R1 is off the bag simply with his lead. 1B then crawls over a foot or two to tag the bag. Technically this is an appeal play and 1B hardly has the time to make a verbal appeal. As part of continuous action with BU being aware of the circumstances, the runner is always called out if he does not make it back in time. It seems to be a similar situation with the OP where the runner is scrambling to get back to 2B and the BU knows he missed the bag.
An appeal needs to be "clearly intended". That happens when F3 touches first after catching the fly -- it's the only reason he does it, and everyone knows why he's doing it. It doesn't (usually) happen when F4 tags R1 who slid past second -- that looks like a tag of someone who is off the base, and not an appeal.