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Old Tue Feb 25, 2003, 11:53pm
canuckrefguy canuckrefguy is offline
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Re: Fair and Informative?

Originally posted by Mark Padgett
"...I find your remarks regarding the officiating at your game to be unprofessional, insulting and ludicrous. Blaming the referees for the lack of skill of your players sends the message to those kids that they don't have to take responsibility for the consequences of their own actions..."
I like everything you wrote except the part where you mentioned his "players' lack of skill". That's where you maybe crossed the line from standing up for the officials to very politely sh*t-talking the coach. If you'd have replaced "the lack of skill of your players" with "the game you lost", I think you nailed it.

You maybe just gave him more ammo to throw back at you.

Right on for calling him on the carpet, though.
HOMER: Just gimme my gun.
CLERK: Hold on, the law requires a five-day waiting period; we've got run a background check...
HOMER: Five days???? But I'm mad NOW!!
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