Originally posted by Mark Padgett
The guy just emailed me again. This time, he flamed me for not taking his call, saying I didn't want to "hear the truth". He attached a Word file where he tried to justify his comments. He told me to go ahead and correct the spelling and grammar. After looking at the document, I realized it would overload my spell checker.
Two things stood out - he equated Bobby Knight with John Wooden (blasphemy in my book) and he said he lost one game (he , not his team) because an official wouldn't make "over the back" calls!
Here was my reply:
Mr. Chandler - certainly you are entitled to your opinion. However, having a coach publically berate officials is generally considered by virtually all "ruling bodies" as unacceptable. A better tactic would have been to contact your state association and provide them with the videotapes of the game, so you would have had some support for your comments.
Not even the NBA allows coaches to make such comments public. You must realize that doing so following a tough loss only further damages your credibility.
By the way - there is no such foul as "over the back".
As far as I'm concerned, this guy is the best reason yet for sending your kids to private school.
You need to send this whole email excahnge to Mach Chauvain(sp?) of the LHSAA.
Mack is a no-nonsense kind of guy who will have a look see at this guys problem.
I have worked for Mack, and he is unmerciful if an official screws up but he also stands up for his officials.