Chuck, let us put this to bed.
My position has been that test of any kind do not prove rules knowledge or officiating ability in any way. I think that to the general public (coaches, players, fans), we are judged by the way we carry ourselves and our skills in dealing with coaches and players directly. If we lose our cool, then no matter how well we got a call right, we will be previeved as bad officials. Now I used the words "presence" and every other disagreement someone has with me, they throw out that word, time and time again. I was refering mainly to my personal experience and if I had to choose an official, I would not take someone that just got a 99 on their NF test and want to work with them. I want to work with officials that had some "court presence" and could handle themseleves under pressure better. Mainly because in my mind, the guy that got the 99, might crack under pressure and not make competent decisions when they are under the gun. No different than someone that has a vast vocabulary not being able to stand in front of people and give a riveting speech. Now this was the position I took then and I stand by now and there were many here that disagreed admittely. And folks like Tony that live in places that decides their fate for the year based on a written test, he is one of many that took issue with my words. And he was not standing alone.
Now having said all that, this is my position. I think that dealing with people is what makes or breaks us. Because even the slightest rule mistake might not be noticed by the masses. And what is previeved as a rules mistake by many, is their missunderstanding of what the rules actually are (Over the back, moving screens for example). And if many of us called the game strictly as the written word says, we might find ourselves watching instead of officiating. No matter what the NF claims or says. I have not seen anyone call the interrupted dribble, 3 second rule violation yet this year. I wonder why that is?
Now if it makes you and others feel good about yourself debating with me on my personal point of view and claiming everything I say as "Rut's Rules," well more power to ya. But this is something that I value and does not have to be agreed by everyone. Chuck, if you cannot find evidence about this idea that you claim I am making, stick around for awhile, you will see it come out. I will leave the rest up to you to decide what the opposition is saying. Then I will be waiting for you to tell them to "let it rest." I will not be holding my breathe anytime soon.
Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)