I can find nothing in the NCAA rules book which indicates an umpire cannot subequently rule an IFF when not called initially. Note 2 in 11.18 indicates that the ruling is to be made when the batted ball reaches its apex. However, I interpret that to be a guide to the umpire to use as a timing tool in determining whether or not a batted ball is indeed an IFF. I could be wrong and would love to hear other intrepretations/opinions.
NF 8-2-9 note specifically allows for a "retroactive" IFF to be called. Just because NCAA does not specifically allow for it, I believe it is understood to be allowed.
For instance, if an umpire fails to declare an IFF on a clear-cut IFF and the infielder drops the ball and then gets a double-play, should those outs be allowed to stand just because the umpire failed to declare an IFF when the ball was at its apex? Of course not. That is a misinterpretation of the rule and clearly correctable. I believe the same holds true for a ball which was foul and subsequently makes a funky kick into fair territory. It wasn't an IFF until it became "fair." An umpire still needs to protect the offense from an undeserved double-play in this instance.
Just my 2 cents.