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Old Tue Feb 25, 2003, 03:44pm
CYO Butch CYO Butch is offline
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Fair and Informative?

Originally posted by Mark Padgett
Here it is in its entirety.

Mr. Chandler - the article in The Advocate quoting you following your loss was posted on an internet discussion board for sports officials. As a 24 year veteran basketball official and a member of the National Association of Sports Officials, I must tell you I find your remarks regarding the officiating at your game to be unprofessional, insulting and ludicrous. Blaming the referees for the lack of skill of your players sends the message to those kids that they don't have to take responsibility for the consequences of their own actions.

Originally posted by Ridgeben
I see the email that was sent to the coach as being fair and informative. It would have served the coach well to have backed off a minute before doing the interview or before replying to the email. Either way, I am sure he regrets making those comments.
I don't see how telling someone you find their remarks "to be unprofessional, insulting and ludicrous" fits the description of "fair and informative". Sure the coach was way off base, but insulting the guy personally is not going to make him think more highly of officials nor take more responsibility for the outcomes of his games. Do you honestly believe that sending him your email will make him think twice before blasting officials after a game. My guess is that he has now reached the point of being so p*ssed at all officials that you have flamed the fires, not educated him.
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