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Old Wed Jun 22, 2011, 12:24pm
tref tref is offline
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Originally Posted by Brick43 View Post
I recently posted a question on a BC call that was made that shouldn't have been. My question to all of you is how far do you argue your position if your partner disagrees with you? Assume you feel 100% you are correct. Before you answer I understand that ideally there is a Referee and an Umpire and their is a hierarchy but some assignments do not differentiate. And also based on the coverage areas this shouldn't be a common occurrence but nonetheless when it does happen, what do you use to determine?
Ideally, once the ball goes up everyone should become an R. The R just has more pre/post game duties...

That being said, when my crew disagrees on calls or rules I've found that sending a non-threatening email with the rule & caseplay (if applicable) the next morning usually works well.
During the game, all you can do is provide info, tell them what the rule is & use the phrase that pays. This shouldn't be a long drawn out conference... he's either making it right or sticking with his call.

I feel comfortable using that technique whether I'm the U99 or the R, but you gotta know your audience.
Is the official a veteran that doesnt attend camps anymore & perhaps is behind on newer rules/mechanics?

Is the official tight with decision makers that could affect your progression if you rub them the wrong way?

Is the official interested in improving or is he there to collect a check & could care less?
I gotta new attitude!

Last edited by tref; Wed Jun 22, 2011 at 12:27pm.
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