Thread: Illegal Pitch?
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Old Wed Jun 22, 2011, 07:54am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by treydawgmt View Post
Something that happened to me in a 9U game the other day. Playing Fed rules with modifications, including no balks, but technically illegal pitches can be called.

So, the pitcher *every* time pitched from the strech, would come set with his pivot foot about 4" in front of the rubber, shift his foot back so it touched the rubber, and then would pitch. The assistant coach complained, his head coach said don't worry, it's not an advantage before I could even say anything. As far as I was concerned, before pitching his pivot foot was in contact with the rubber, and he was 9U. Thoughts?
Are leadoffs allowed in the game?

If so, then I'd call it. The motion of moving the pivot foot back to the rubber looks like the motion of stepping off. So, the runners move back toward the base, then there's a pitch -- advantage defense.

If there aren't any leadoffs, then ignore it.
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