I find it ironic that you have anything to add to a post entitled "people skills."
Based on the lengths of your posts, 'me thinkus' that you are perhaps the one hopped up on caffeine (although your posts often suggest something stronger).
You can't play the "poor picked on me" card now that someone called you on what you said.... you bring this on yourself. It's like dealing with a little kid when you tell them that did something wrong. "Well I saw Johnny do it once." I lurk on the "other board" and it seems that any post that deteriorates into garbage has the common denominator of you.
You lied (again) to support your position and got called on it. Nobody on either board ever said that rules was the only important thing. If you truly "don't care", let the presence vs. rules thing go and move on. That horse was dead, beaten, buried, and composted long ago (except to you).