Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by JRutledge
Not trying to be funny. Just telling the truth. If you do not agree, take it up with the people that only talk in terms of being a "test" master to prove your worth as an official.
No offense, Jeff, but you're not "just telling the truth". You repeat this falsehood as a straw man argument to boost your position that rules knowledge is a secondary skill for outstanding officials. Nobody, nobody, nobody on this board believes that a rules test is the sole indicator of one's worth as an official. I defy you, I dare you -- I triple-dog dare you -- to find one single post where anyone has seriously stated that knowing the rules is the only requisite for being an outstanding official.
Without dodging the issue, if you can repost one single post where this is said, I will take your side and openly mock anyone who puts any credence in rules knowledge.
But you can't do it. Because not one single person really believes what you keep saying they believe. So please get off it.
Stop drinking all that caffine.
For the last month or so, there was a discussion that started on the "other" board and was continued on this board over one rule. There was a debate over one rule and the semantics over who had a duty and who did not. The discussion got so heated and personal, that individuals tried to get me to "point out" people that were not teaching NF Rules properly. It got to the point when individuals in this series of conversations tried to get me to point out people so they could run back to their representatives over the debate over this one rule (Actually not a rule but a Section). Now maybe you have not been paying attention, but that discussion alone was riddled with critical comments about "not talking about rules questions" and "sticking to presence posts." And most of the critisizm came from a discussion I believe before the season about they "presence vs. rules knowledge" debate we had, that for me was not an issue with me, but really one statement I made about a personal choice in picking officials. I do not know where you have been, but it seems like when anyone on this board tries to disagree with me, they drag out one of these issues and try to put an opinion on me that I never took. But that is what people do here. And if out of that you got offended, I really do not see why. We are giving opinions here. I personally do not care what anyone's opinion is, because it is just that, an opinion. Unless you live in my state or work for the same assignors and schools that I do, you will have to find your own way in determining what is best for you.
I personally feel that this part of officiating is overlooked and underrated by many here and many out there. This is just one man's opinion. I am not Jesus, Budda or Muhammad, so what I say is only going to hold so much weight in the bigger picture.