First, in the interest of fairness, you should post your email to him also.
Second, if an official I never met emailed me the day after a devastating playoff loss to take me to task, I'd send a reply with misspellings because I'd be too mad to double-check. No, I'd probably never make comments like that to a reporter or anybody, but you sure would receive a few choice words for antagonizing me the following day!
Third, I completely agree that this guy was way out of line in blaming this loss on one official. His team made many mistakes, especially down the stretch, that are detailed in the article. Many of his arguments to you don't make much sense either. But you were equally out of line emailing him, at least so soon after the game. You owe him an apology, IMHO.
Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out.
-- John Wooden