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Old Tue Feb 25, 2003, 01:37pm
ronald ronald is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 746

I was being serious.

J. Referee,

Rut makes some valid points about how your people skills, attitude and personality affect your officiating career and other aspects of one's life. There is no denying that but at the sametime he fails to perceive how his groupthink affects his perception on the board and I imagine others he encounters in life.

He made a generalization on his post and was called on it by Chuck in reasoned and logical manner. And what was Rut's sampling group that he used to make that hasty generalization. I believe he called someone to task on another thread when that individual used hyperbole to make a point and he wanted to know where he got that information. The poster was using exaggeration at that moment and that seem to be misunderstood.

As mostly a reader (and who may be wrong in this case but my perception), who generally brings race into the discussions?