Originally Posted by MikeStrybel
It was innocent enough and what many of you consider preventive umpiring. After the game, a number of fellow umpires asked about what had transpired during the series. I relayed the details and had an umpire I truly respect tell me that I crossed the line. He said that it isn't my job to be the jewelry police and by warning them prior to the game I had prevented them from breaking a rule later. He told me to call what I see and not attempt to do what the coach is supposed to do, namely ensure that all players are properly equipped and within the rules of our administration. He was right.
No. He wasn't. Therein lies the crux of your problem. This ONE guy, who you happen to respect, gave you bad advice. 20 people here are giving you good advice (the opposite of your bad advice). You're sticking to the bad advice. Perhaps you need a 3rd opinion... but the exact scenario you describe above is EXACTLY what you're supposed to do.