Originally Posted by MrUmpire
Oh, my heavens, no. Your suggestion is absolutely, without question, the best ever. Why don't you take it to the NCAA MLB Rules Committees and get that changed right away. Be sure to let us know how it goes.

MRUMPIRE, I wouldn't be so presumptuous. Much better to let Auggie and the infallible PUngo there and codify the "interference supersedes the walk rule with lettered subsections that includes its enforcement even if the PU forgets the count and negates the rule that a runner has to do something INTENTIONAL to have interference called on him. Oh, and don't forget another subsection that says the PU should be able to strut his stuff and infallie judgment to be able to make an interference call BEFORE he decides whether the pitch was a ball or strike. Something like THAT would surely solve the problem for all time.