Originally Posted by UMP25
Au contraire. It's clear that the PU quickly realized it was ball four. His indicating this by flashing 4 fingers and commenting that it was ball four, followed by his not even acting on his initial interference call--he disregarded his call and the outcome entirely--make it obvious that his first actions were those of a PU calling batter interference.
He didn't "quickly" realize anything. He did signal 4 with his fingers, but he yelled (like he was pissed off about it, in fact) THAT's INTERFERENCE while pointing about 5 times at BR heading toward first ... all of this AFTER waiving the 4 fingers nearly immediately.
the only other possibility is interference by a batter-runner or runner, in which case any interference that hinders a fielder attempting to make a play off a thrown ball on an at-risk runner must be intentional (with the exception of Running Lane Interference on a dropped third strike).
I've repeatedly asked for a rule citation to back that up... you won't provide one.