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Old Fri Jun 17, 2011, 06:57am
txump81 txump81 is offline
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Originally Posted by tcarilli View Post
OK, I understand your reluctance to give me the rule reference. So, why couldn't it have been batter's interference? When on a 3-2 pitch with the R1 moving can the batter no longer be guilty of interference and why? Remember the catcher can not wait on a close pitch or check swing for the umpire's judgment before throwing to second. So if the batter or batter/runner can not be guilty of interference, does that mean on every three-two pitch that is ball four in this situation has carte blanche on his actions around the plate as long as they are not overtly intentional (eg grabbing the catcher's arm)?

Look at the other side of the argument as well. If you're going to give the catcher the BI here, why wouldn't a coach have the catcher make that errant throw everytime and get the out?
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