Originally Posted by UMP25
...This was a 3rd trimester abortion and totally inexcusable in a Super Regional game.
Originally Posted by UMP25
We all have made mistakes, myself included, but to make one like this, which was totally avoidable, is unacceptable.
What makes this call, in particular unacceptable. What kind of mistakes fall into the acceptable and unacceptable categories for you? Does it depend on the level, situation, etc.
Originally Posted by UMP25
The call itself was bad enough, but to have all 4 guys get together and sustain the bad call? Completely unacceptable.
So you are for having judgment calls overturned. Suppose you miss a strike and the other three guys think it was a ball and you called it a strike, is it unacceptable for them to sustain that call? Does it matter the situation. Is it possible that the discussion was to insure that they got the ruling correct on the placement of the runners?