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Old Tue Jun 14, 2011, 10:24am
yawetag yawetag is offline
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Originally Posted by Ump Rube View Post
I don't do much (if any) OBR, I work mostly FED. Do you take into account at all if there is a play being made on him?

I.E. F8 picks up the ball and just lobs it into F6, you keep your hand down and avoid the "it was OBS, but all he gets is 3B," or do you point it out and hope we all just move on?
OBR (and NCAA) has two types of OBS. Type A (or 1) is on a player being immediately played upon (or before reaching 1B). Type B (or 2) is on a player not being played upon.

This situation is Type B. You call it, then fix it when the play is over. If he had reached 3B safely, you simply let it go.

Fed is different. ALL OBS is similar to Type B in OBR.
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