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Old Mon Jun 13, 2011, 11:35am
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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To Bob Jenkins, re SPAM

Since you've disabled PM for yourself, and locked the SPAM thread, I'll post this here. Feel free to remove it after you read it, since this really should be a PM.

In spite of my somewhat snarky response in the softball board, we need to work out some accommodation that keeps the board readable while not flooding you with messages. I'm not sure what that is, but when the spammer posts in a half dozen threads at nearly the same time, (his spamming software works around your frequent posts trap by timing the posts to every 2 minutes, it seems), since not everyone is interested in the same subjects, you will inevitably get multiple posts reported.

And, I also agree with the complaint that once the spam is removed, the "reported" message should also be removed. Hopefully, that would not have that thread show up as having new messages if the member had already read all of the other postings in that thread.

As much as this is a pain for members, I understand it is a bigger PITA for you. Maybe could set up one of the regular softball forum readers with the power to remove spam, so reporting would no longer be necessary (as on the baseball board).
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