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Old Fri Jun 10, 2011, 12:58am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by gordon30307 View Post
Ya know I like the Charcoal Gray as opposed to Heather Gray but in order to match my partner I need a pair of Davis, Hoenigs, Official choice and Smittys. They're all friggin different shades. I've given up trying to match my partner. Hey I have an idea lets all wear Heather Gray
I do not even know why people tried to match the color/brand in the first place. I bought the pants I liked and if it mattered to you that much, they had to match me. Also had a friend that worked for one of those companies that told me the brand he sold was not the best pair, so I never bought them. And I agree with you, I would almost rather go back to the Heather Gray for that same reason. I mean if I do not have the same brand of shirt should we by the same brand which are also different in color?

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