Originally Posted by Bandit
Let me see if i understand this.....runner on first, plate ump is to trail BR until he/she is confident of pulled or no pulled foot. AND THEN worry about the runner that had been on first and the subsiquent call at third when that runner is busting butt to go to third.
Why would a plate umpire want to be concerned about a "possible" appeal of a play at first and not be in position for his/her Primary responsibilty of the call at third? Why would a plate umpire be worried about a call that is NOT his/her primary responsibility?
The pulled foot of a first base defensive player is not the primary call of the plate umpire.
That is the responsibility of the PU
to watch/help out on the pulled foot/swipe tag, etc in all codes in all umpire systems. Even in a 2 umpire system with a runner on second, you would trail (albeit a few feet), and then have the runner into third if that is the secondary play.