Originally Posted by flipper
The player's reaction should tell you whether it was wrong or not. It should have told John something as well.
It should have, but the call was already made and I have little doubt that he believed he made the right call.
We have all been in a situation where we instantly question if what we called is actually what happened. In those cases, you have to give the coach some leeway. Not too much, but some.
Even if I don't question my call, I will give the coach leeway to do his job which is going to be an adversarial position by definition. That doesn't mean s/he is allowed to be more of an ******* than usual. I expect a coach to act in the same professional manner as they would expect of me or any other umpire.
IDK, maybe it comes from working with him and listening to others who have worked with him often. Maybe it's something I've seen before (see the 2010 Big East Championship game). Something about an umpire that talks about himself in the third person turns me off. If your personal experience with John is different, I understand you defending him.
I don't know JK personally, but I'm not defending JK either. I'm defending any umpire who is in that position, even Tony C.