(1) A ten-second violation is called on what seems to the coach to be a quick count. The official says that he begins counting when the possessing team gets the ball for the throw-in. Essentially then, in this official's view, the 5-second count is part of the 10-second count, and the "backcourt" (as in "continuous control of the ball in his/her backcourt," NFHS Rule 9-8) then also includes OOB behind the backcourt. Later, the coach discovers that Casebook 9.8-C is the only place that makes references to what he had always thought was the obvious rule: after a time out or a deflection OOB, "Team A will have ten seconds to advance the ball to the frountcourt FOLLOWING THE THROW-IN if a player of Team A gains control in A's backcourt."
Isn't the official's call an error? Isn't it an obvious error?
(2) Two minutes left in a close game. Younger than HS-age players. A scramble and pile-up under the basket defended by Team A. Team A's center goes down and stays down as the ball is loose. The rebound is collected by Team A, and Team A moves down the court. Team A's center remains down in the 3-second area, clutching his knee. The official trailing the play never gets out past the injured player. After maybe 3-4 seconds of possesion by Team A, Team B steals near the center circle, breaks down court, and scores (over and around the fallen center). After the basket, the officials blow the whistle for the injury. (The center is done for the year with a fracture in the kneecap.)
The failure to stop play earlier is unlike the regular practice in our tournaments (grades 5-9). Is it also inconsistent with the rules, at least for pre-HS players?