Originally Posted by KJUmp
OK, you're the PU in the sitch, big game, big stage, big time programs and coaches, big crowd, national TV.....in that heated moment as Earlywine is going ballistic on you, what would you have said to him?
It's unlikely I would have said what he appeared to say. It was escalating the situation at best, baiting the coach at worse.
Originally Posted by KJUmp
As to how I would expect him to react to the "get out of my face" comment?
He can react anyway he chooses, but if reacts inappropriately by "pointing emphatically" and doing and "arm swing/point" he's likely getting ejected by any good umpire with backbone and integrity.
Maybe a "chicken or the egg" situation.
Originally Posted by KJUmp
This is a respected and highly regarded NCAA umpire who has "been here and done that" time and time again. I don't think the SUP will be taking any post-season assignments away from him.
It depends on who you talk to on the first sentence, I guess we'll see on the second.
Originally Posted by KJUmp
But then again I'm probably wrong about that as I'm not privy to the inner workings of the SUP's post season selection process as you are.
Maybe, maybe not.