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Old Thu Jun 02, 2011, 05:28pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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5.6 Comment ...

Originally Posted by Scrapper1 View Post
The other citation is from the casebook, in Rule 5, as you might've guessed. It's 5.6 COMMENT.
5.6 COMMENT A: The expiration of time for a quarter or extra period does not
always cause the ball to become dead nor end the quarter or extra period. The
ending of a quarter or extra period often lags both the expiration of time and the
ball becoming dead. If there is no foul, it ends at the time the ball becomes dead.
If the ball is in flight following a try or tap, this coincides with the expiration of
playing time. If the ball is in flight following a try or tap and there is no foul, the
quarter or extra period ends when the ball becomes dead. If there is a foul after
time expires and before the ball becomes dead, the quarter or extra period ends
after the resulting free throw(s). The free throw(s) is a part of that quarter or extra
period and, if a tie is involved, the result of the free throw(s) will determine
whether additional play is required.

5.6 COMMENT B: If a technical foul occurs after the ball has become dead to
end a quarter, the next quarter is started by administering the free throws. This
applies even when the foul occurs after the first half has ended. It also applies
when the foul occurs after the second half has ended, provided the score is tied.
If the score is not tied, the free throws are administered unless the outcome of
the game will not be affected. If the outcome is not already decided, the free
throws are attempted immediately as if the foul had been a part of the fourth
quarter. In this case, if any overtime period is necessary, it will start with a jump
ball. The division line throw-in following the technical foul cannot be carried over
to the overtime as the fourth quarter ended with the last free throw. (5-6-4)
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