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Old Thu Jun 02, 2011, 08:44am
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,674
Two citations may be of help to you, Stir. The first is in the rulebook, in Rule 5. Rule 5-6, Exception 3 states in part: "The quarter or extra period ends when the free throw(s) and all related activity have been completed." This means that if you have to shoot free throws (even with no time on the clock) at the end of the quarter, you can all kinds of things happen (unsporting or intentional technicals, fighting, even free throw violations) before the period actually ends. And if you do have a technical foul during that time, the exception also says that "no penalty or part of a penalty carries over from one period to the next"; so you shoot the free throws as part of the current quarter, but the throw-in that normally follows would NOT be administered to start the next quarter.

The other citation is from the casebook, in Rule 5, as you might've guessed. It's 5.6 COMMENT. I'm not going to type it out, but it's applicable to your situation.
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