Originally Posted by jdmara
Here is the situation: FED 2-2 count, 2 out. Batter swings on an inside pitch, strikes the hands of the batter, and rolls fair. I (PU) proclaim, "Foul ball...{realizing my mistake immediately}...The ball is dead, it's dead!!" I end up calling the batter out and we move on. My question, once I call it "foul" have I make an uncorrectable mistake? I'm having trouble finding in the rules that I can or cannot correct this brain fart. Thanks
I did something similarly stupid this year.
I was the PU. With a runner on 3rd, the batter swung and tipped the ball. For some inexplicable reason I call "Foul!" but the catcher actually caught the ball. The runner at 3rd had taken an excessive lead-off and the catcher threw down there nearly picking off the runner.
Nobody said anything and I just shook my head in disgust (at myself).
I was just thankful that the runner was safe because, if he had been tagged out, I'm pretty sure I would have had to disallow it. What do you guys think?