Thread: techno ump
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Old Tue May 31, 2011, 10:28am
jchamp jchamp is offline
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Originally Posted by Dakota View Post
Young enough that mommy was paying for the phone? First time a "foul tip" knocks that thing out of his hand, he'll see the value in low tech.
I was the youngest umpire in my association my first year, and I'm still the second youngest that I know of, ... please don't accuse us all of being gee-whiz technophiles.
I'm kind of a geek in my own way, but a lot of us also know the right tool for the job. Indicators are engineered specifically for what they do, they don't do anything else, but they do their job damn good!
< Sarcasm > That's why if I were ever going to use a phone as an indicator, I would recommend the Samsung Rugby. It's small and rugged. I've made calls (using bluetooth) with the thing while it was sitting in a pitcher of beer and as it was flying off the dashboard onto the interstate shoulder. Thing is a tough beast! < / Sarcasm >
But I hope the kid gets his iPhone schwacked.

Last edited by jchamp; Tue May 31, 2011 at 10:30am. Reason: faux-html didn't render
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