I had the exact same thing happen to me last night in a boys Area championship game. His son was playing on one of the teams and he was standing up, waving his arms at me and making a general *** of himself the entire game. Although I never made eye contact with him, I could CLEARLY hear his voice trying to talk with me about how the kids are "getting hammered" under the basket, and I needed to call that.
I guess this could be made into one of those mastercard type commercials.
Tickets to son's playoff games......$8.00
Team colored program to curl up and yell at refs...$4.00
Power to determine that official's next year schedule....PRICELESS.
Probably not a good idea to go to a game where the Chapter president is calling with the assigning secretary and act like an ***.. Doubt he will get much more than a 1A game all next year if I don't put him on probation.