so, base ump calls a runner out AFTER he allegedly calls a "foul ball" from the B position or button hooked? or calls runner out AFTER PU calls time? I think your 1B coach is smoking crack or smoking up your crack, or both.
the next time you see that 1B coach, you should punch him in the league or not.
I don't do u-trip, but umps got it right. R1 out on the force at second.
sorry to hear about your family emergency.
Originally Posted by McMac
Sorry I have not been around to respond to some of this, family emergency.
This was a Men's game.
No next batter ever made it to the box, because our team began to argue the call.
I was coaching at 3rd on this play. The 1B coach was the one who told me that he called it foul.
I agree with the reasoning that there is no point to call time if it is a foul ball. It was our fault for leaving the bases, but when you see runners going back to bases they previously occupied, is there not a sense of "oh crap, what is happening?"
Thanks for the help!