ON the Fed test was a question about the catcher touching a bunted ball, rolling in foul territory but headed toward the line (and fair territory) with this MASK in hand.
I understand this is a 3 base award and the FED rule book specifically address this. Thus same award of a batted ball in fair territory being touched by detached equip.
BUT -> like my previous post. I wonder how to rule properly on this play under OBR. Because all the 3 base award, or other award sections talk only of detached equipment touching a FAIR BALL. In the example, the catcher is whacking a ball that is definitely in FOUL territory, on the ground. (Although may roll into fair territory if untouched).
Certainly he could have just touched it with his hand or foot to make it foul. I feel the need to "punish" touching the ball with the mask.. but would like to have some support by rule.
Any suggestions?