Originally Posted by PSUchem
Sounds good to me. Like I said, if you guys could come up with a good reason to honor the appeal, I could sleep at night. I just wish the wording were more clear. "All outs stand" to me sounds like they have already happened, even if you read the EFFECT literally and linearly. Can anyone find a casebook play or rule clarification that would support that the BOO out is applied first? I am well aware that it would solve all of the problems and potential situations, I'm just saying there's not much supporting evidence.
I'm not sure you really need a case-play here. We have a specific rule that tells us when the defense loses it's right to appeal. Having the 3rd out made during a play is not mentioned. I admit to a minor amount of ambiguity here - but when something can be read 2 ways, and 1 way is consistent with the other rules and the other is not --- go with the one that's consistent with the other rules.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”
West Houston Mike