Originally Posted by MikeStrybel
There is a fine line between what you perceive as sarcasm and the reality of antagonism.
How about this: I wasn't directly answering your question. I was being funny, in that I was "answering" for Mark by giving the same answer he gave the coach. The "answer" wasn't meant to be taken as what I would say, what Mark would say, or what any umpire would say.
It was a failed attempt at humor.
Originally Posted by MikeStrybel
I have read your posts and know you to be a knowledgeable umpire.
It's good to know I'm fooling one person. My experience is nothing close to most who frequent here, but I pride myself in knowing the craft and doing it to the best of my ability. Due to other obligations, I don't get nearly the number of games I'd like, but I don't dwell on that fact -- I just do the games I can get.
Originally Posted by MikeStrybel
How many times have you had a coach confront you on a FPSR? Could you defend it?
Zero. I could definitely defend it if needed.
Originally Posted by MikeStrybel
How many times have you had a coach claim that the runner should be out because the ball beat him by four steps? I'm sure you handled that well.
Twice I can think of quickly. Both times R1 was stealing 2B; the throw from F2 was off the bag and toward 1B side, causing F4 or F6 to come down the line and attempt a tag; both times the runner got around it.
In the first (last year), the coach didn't say anything. In the second (this year, between two Varsity divisional rivals), the coach came out and asked what I had. He specifically said, "The ball beat the runner, Andrew." I explained what he had, he calmly said, "I think you missed it, Andrew." I replied that the tag missed the runner. He walked away without any other discussion.