Many new umpires use a move that looks like they are are grabbiong a salt shaker and throwing some salt over thier right shoulder -- the fist comes up and back.
To make a stronger signal, the fist need to come forward.
Try this (I'm not sure I can explain it right): Start with the upper arm parallel to the ground, extended sideways from the body. The arm is bent so the fist is near (but not touching) the ear. The fist is held so that if the hand was open the palm would be facing front. Someone looking at you from the front will see a "triangle" with the base at shoulder height and the top corner open.
Move the arm so the upper arm comes forward (swinging horizontally). At the same time, the forearm extend forward just a bit past vertical and the fist pivots so the palm is now facing left. Stand up tall when you make this move. Some think of it as using the fleshy part of the side of the hand by the little finger pounding into an imaginary wall. Some think of it as picking grapefruit.
Hope that helps.
P.S. -- where in Illinois?