Originally Posted by maqiaump
Based loaded less than 2 outs. Dropped third stirke, cather throws ball to first. I put runner back at 3rd and all the out. When responding please help the 2nd year ump. Thanks for the read.
As already noted, there are two possibilities, and unfortunately, you kind of split the difference between them.
The first possibility is if there was a play at 1B (e.g. a runner on 1B diving back to the bag) and the retired batter gets in the way of the throw by running, you have interference. Dead ball. Since the player who committed the interference is already out, R1 (runner closest to home) would be out.
The second (and, as you describe it) most likely possibility is there was no interference (merely running on a supposed dropped 3rd strike is not interference). In that case, it remains a live ball and runners get what they can get should they try to advance.
There is no outcome where you would correctly put R1 back on 3B.