Gotta Rant!!!!
State selections came out last week and unfortunately, I wasn't selected. Was bummed but oh well. Then I found out some of the people that were selected. Yikes! Three were selected from my association, two worked state last year and are very good. The third wasn't a name turned in from our association to the state, wasn't on the president or booking agent's top 15 list that were turned into the state selection committee. She has had numerous uniform, rules and tardiness issues this year. I believe that 24 umpires were selected for the state....she's not in the top 24 umpires IN OUR ASSOCIATION. Several members, including the ones selected for state were left shaking their heads.
Only thing I can think of is that the person who selects the umpires said earlier this year in a basketball meeting that the state tournament was going to have "mixed" crews. The umpire who I am speaking about is both black and female. I guess I'm just astonished that this can still be a criteria for selection. And before I get slammed as a racist or woman hater, the other umpires selected are a black man and white female. Both do a fantastic job. We have several other black umpires that would have been a better selection. But we don't have any other black females.
I guess that the state had to get it's quota. Kinda sad that a state that has been hurt for so long over race issues can't seem to figure it out. Oh well....time for travel ball.
Last edited by derwil; Tue May 17, 2011 at 10:36pm.