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Old Tue May 17, 2011, 12:04pm
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by rwest View Post
There is no penalty for excessive warm-ups if the umpire is busy with other duties such as a sub. If you have to hold up the game for other umpire duties there is no reason not to allow the pitcher more pitches. The 5 pitches/one minute rule is there to keep the game moving. If play is delayed for other reasons they can pitch until I'm done with my other duties.
I would agree completely IF the defense was ready to play when you get done with your other duties. I would prefer the defense know the rule, apply the rule, my partner assist in getting the rule applied; then the throw down, team meeting, pattycake and team dance, can all happen.

If I am still tied up when all that is done, if the pitcher ASKS, I would allow (or expect my partner to allow) additional pitches.

Just my style of game management, keeping the game moving.
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