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Old Tue May 17, 2011, 11:06am
bigda65 bigda65 is offline
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Location: Southern West Virginia
Posts: 146
String theory for NFHS?

In a discussion with a high school umpire about a batted ball hitting a runner, I got the impression that they use the string theory to determine whether or not a batted ball has passed a fielder. Is this the case for NFHS?

I know the MLB rulebook says (k) A fair ball touches him on fair territory before touching a fielder. If a fair ball goes
through, or by, an infielder, and touches a runner immediately back of him, or
touches the runner after having been deflected by a fielder, the umpire shall not
declare the runner out for being touched by a batted ball. In making such decision
the umpire must be convinced that the ball passed through, or by, the fielder, and
that no other infielder had the chance to make a play on the ball.

What does the NFHS rulebook say??
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