Originally Posted by Big Slick
Suppose we don't have the runner at third (so not as to ask about run scoring). Who will lead off the next inning? Not the BR, because that at bat is finished, over, kaput, ended, "all" (Central PA phrasing). Therefore the BR did not reach first base, and therefore no runs can score.
I think this is more than Central PA phrasing....
....but the rule specifically notes the BR or another runner forced being retired for the 3rd out of the inning. Nowhere does it state that the BR not reaching 1B safely nullifies a run not even in RS #43.
However, many of you may be confused by a previous interpretation that when the defense executes two outs with two outs already in the book, that the defense could basically elect which out would be the third out for the purpose of nullifying a run. This was the same time when a fourth out appeal could be executed on a BR/R who did not score to nullify a run. Remember, though, these were interpretations, not necessarily black and white rules. Well, except for the fourth out appeal thingy.