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Old Mon May 16, 2011, 04:56pm
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Location: Katy, Texas
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To answer most of the questions..

It was not poor scheduling, there were reasons for everything - many personnel related that I don't want to hit here. This association has a LOT of umpires - this particular weekend, though, we were ALL pressed into more service than is normal due to 3 tourneys at different locations.

The 7 in a row was 4 pool games (60 minutes apart), finish the batter. Easy, low key games - 2 base, 2 plate. Then 2 14U bracket games on the bases, followed by an 8U solo bracket game. Was not so bad on my body as I thought it might be, and a good day.

The 5 was 4 in a row (2 base, 2 plate), 1 off, then plate for the championship.

That game probably worthy of a post on it's own - possibly the most enjoyable game I've done.

Back a bit sore, legs a bit sore - but the worst is actually my chapped lips - didn't chapstick nearly often enough. I feel a lot better physically than I thought I might. And definitely enjoyed the higher quality of ball.

Edit to add... the 9 was originally 7, changed to 9 when an umpire couldn't make it, changed back to 7 when he rearranged his work schedule. Would have been a break after game 7, then 2 on the bases, had it happened as I thought when I made the post.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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