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Old Mon May 16, 2011, 12:36pm
CecilOne CecilOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Andy View Post
Interesting situation from another board. NFHS rules:

3-3-10 states that the re-entry rule applies to any player removed from the game due to this (3-3-10) rule. That tells me that a legal substitute needs to enter the game for the player affected by the blood rule.

What if there are no legal substitutes? Either because the team only has the minimum number of players, or all other legal subs have been used.

Can we invoke 3-3-8 and use a "temporary" runner to finish the inning, then the team goes shorthanded on defense?
The re-entry rule part applies to when the player returns later, and the legal sub part means the entering sub must be a legal one.
If no legal subs, the temporary runner rule applies.
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