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Old Fri May 13, 2011, 08:18pm
KJUmp KJUmp is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 937
How many plate jobs in those nine games? Sounds like your local association is either short on FP umpires or you've got the bodies and they're just not available to work on weekends.
Agree with the other replies, nine in a day is way over the top. As in your area, our weekend travel tournament season is starting up this weekend. Hit 60 this year, and over the last 3 seasons came to the realization that five is my max (2 P's/3B's). If my tourney assignor really needs it, I can give him six in a day in a two games on, one game off rotation. But I'll be honest, late in the day I'm a good step and a half slower on the bases and find myself 'cheating' and compensating for it.... never a good thing. And then there's the whole battle of maintaining proper concentration and focus on every play as the day gets lonGer and body gets weary and sore.
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