Thu May 12, 2011, 12:21am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 15,012
Here is the text of the rule changes which PASSED for this coming year.
This wording comes from the NFHS rule proposal form, which was considered by the committee. It is not from a copy of the NEW 2011-12 rules book.
Underlining shows additions; strikethrough shows deletions.
ART. 1...A 2-inch wide restraining circle shall be drawn at the center of the court with a radius of 6 feet measured to the outside edge. The edge of the circle shall be designated with a minimum of a ¼-inch wide single line but no wider than 2 inches. See Table 1-1, No. 3 if the use of contrasting colored-floor areas instead of a line is desirable. Spaces for nonjumpers around the center circle are 36 inches deep.
Rationale: Many existing courts already have center circles that have a single ¼ -inch line. A mathematical line between two solid colors is also permitted in Table 1-1, Supplement to the Basketball Court, No. 3. This change would provide some consistency in the rule. Contrasting-colored language is consistent with the language used in 1-2-1. The permissive language in the Table 1-1, No. 3, get’s lost if not specifically referenced.
3-5-3 NEW
ART. 3…Arm compression sleeves shall:
a. Be white, black, beige or a single solid school color.
b. Be the same color for each team member.
c. Be worn for medical reasons.
d. Meet the logo requirements in 3-6.
Rationale: Currently the rules for compression sleeves are vague, they may be multiple colors and players may each wear a different color. This will provide clarification; make enforcement of the rule consistent and more definitive for officials. The medical reasons portion is consistent with the previous rule.
ART. 1…A player is in control of the ball when he/she is holding or dribbling a live ball inbounds.
ART. 2…A team is in control of the ball:
a. When a player of the team is in control
b. While a live ball is being passed between teammates
c. During an interrupted dribble
d. When a player of that team has disposal of the ball for a throw-in
ART. 6…Neither team control or player control exists during a dead ball, throw-in, a jump ball or when the ball is in flight during a try or tap for goal.
Rationale: By changing the definition of player and team control to include a throw-in, greater consistency in the penalty for a common foul is achieved. As the rule is currently written, because there is no team control during a throw-in the penalty for a common foul committed by the throw-in team after the throw-in has started could result in free throws if the offended team is in the bonus. This is not consistent with the penalty for a team-control foul. This change would result in greater consistency in the penalties for common fouls, eliminate any confusion on rule application and speed up the contest by eliminating the delay inherent with administering free throws.
Last edited by Nevadaref; Thu May 12, 2011 at 12:28am.