Originally Posted by Dutch Alex
Well I guess you guys can always say that it might be too dangerous for a coach with crutches on the field: he can't properly move away for a batted ball. Since we, ump's, are responsible for the safety of all on our field (in the US more than over here) that will hold out in court...
In the US, any baby who doesn't get his/her way, they sue whomever is in their way.
In the US, when someone gets hurt, they call an ambulance.....right after they call a lawyer.
In the US, there are even TV commercials where lawyers advertise to get you every penny then can if you think you have been wronged.
In the US, there is no such thing as an accident. Someone is always to blame whether they were responsible for someone's stupidity or not.
In the US, a thief can break into your house, trip over a loose board, fall down the stairs and not only sue the homeowner, but actually win!
And to show you how the public thinks, there is a football season ticket holder at the University of Kentucky who has hearing problems and he is suing the university to put closed captioning of all announcements on the scoreboards and all monitors in the stadium.
Great country America! Live the dream, trip on a sidewalk and sue somebody!