"Are you kidding me? Telling you what to wear BEFORE a game.
Who cares? Who sees you? "
Well let's see. Several of us actually work varsity basketball. Several of us work (or have worked) in associations where we are asked to view the officials working a JV game before your game.
Let's see:
When you get the gym and tell the AD you are in attendance so he does not have to worry, he/she will see you.
When you go to the locker room from the the stands to dress (whatever your personal timing is to prepare).
Players amy also see you enter a dressing area.
I think you should re-think your statement.
Many, many officials are seen by many, many people.
Oh yes, I forgot one more thing:
In preparing for a game many like to start at home packing their bag, this carries over into the professionism of wearing correct "regular" clothes.
I think you popped-off a little quickly.
(The Original) Tee