Did you DL the rule book from playnsa.com? It is free, so no reason not too.
Pertinent rule:
Rule 6, Sec. 15 There shall be only one charged conference between the manager and other team representative from the dugout with each and every pitcher in an inning. The second charged conference shall result in the removal of the pitcher from the pitching position for the remainder of the game. If the pitcher is removed from the pitching position as the result of a second charged conference, the pitcher can remain in the game in any other position excluding the pitching position for the remainder of the game.
EXCEPTION: It is not a charged conference when the manager or team representative enters the field of play and removes the pitcher from the pitching position. The player may return to the pitching position.
NOTE: A starting or substitute pitcher must pitch to a batter until the batter reaches a base or is put out.
*NOTE: The rules for a charged conference do not change in extra innings.
A second conference with the same pitcher is something that should never happen without a voluntary pitching change. When the coach calls time and heads towards the field you should tell them it is the second and get the pitching change, therefore no charged conference. Unless you get a bone-headed coach you'll never run into the can't return problem. This is just preventative umpiring. If they remove the pitcher before leaving the field it is not a charged conference.