Thread: Veterans?
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Old Thu Feb 20, 2003, 04:02pm
zebraman zebraman is offline
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Originally posted by bludevil1221
What do you do when a veteran official tells you practice a certain mechanic or positioning and then you watch him/her and they don't practice what they preach?
If you think the veteran is correct, add it to your took kit. If you think they are incorrect, just say, "ok" and then ignore the advice. If you argue with them, you'll soon get a reputation as a know-it-all and you'll never get any advice again. About 80% of the veteran advice I got when I was starting out was good stuff. The other 20% conflicted with the NFHS officials manual. I just nodded my head and ignored that 20%. At the state tournaments, my experience has been that they want the game called by the NFHS rules and officials manual so I always go by the book.

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