Originally Posted by MikeStrybel
I'll send you the lighter and arrange for Goodwill to come by and pick up the unis you won't be needing any more.
Nice try...no cigar. You are so willing to attempt to discredit others, you don't read what you copy and quote.
Lets examine the real facts:
You stated: "If you believe a coach is 'inciting' the crowd by yelling that a balk occured then you should retire or at least confine yourself to games where a tee and soft baseball are involved. You won't have to worry about coaches yelling "That was a balk." then."
I replied that I had done no such thing. In you attempt to prove me wrong you quoted me as having earlier written:
"Depends. Many conferences list "inciting/inciteful behavior" as grounds for an ejection. Example: a coach "yelling" from the dugout or a coach's box across the diamond his "opinion" of a call will not last long in most D-1 games in this area. He'll get one for free and an offer to come out and talk. If he declines and continues to be "loud" in his expression. He will leave."
Now then, put on your best reading glasses and find, for me, where I addressed anybody yelling "That was a balk", or in any general sense addressed a balk at all.
My post, as did other posts, (DavidB's for one) addressed the habit some coaches have of yelling across the diamond, in an inciting manner. I pointed out that conferences I have worked for called for an ejection if that behavior continued.
No mention of balk. I did not advocate ejecting anyone for yelling "That's a balk," Go ahead, read it again.
My point was, and is, if a coach continues to YELL across the diamond his disagreement with call, let's say a banger at first, he is exhibiting behavior that is inciting to the crowd and his team. If he continues doing so after being warned to stop, he will be ejected. This was specifically covered at an NCAA clinic and has been pretty well accepted by most umpires I know, even some from Illinois.
Does content matter? Of course it does. If the coach is yelling what a great ump and overall sweetheart I am, what the heck. But if he is one of those who likes to scream, "That's three you owe us!." He's not going to be around much longer.