Here in NY high school ball, we are REQUIRED to read both a 'sportsmanship' and 'jewelry rule' card before every game (for ALL sports, btw). this time of the softball season, especially if you have seen the same team(s) a couple of times, we are down to reminding them of both rules, plus the lineup check, plus whatever odd ground rules a field might have. For instance, Firday I was at a JV field which has a small grove of trees in fairly short LF, PLUS swings and a playground in deep CF. In both cases, a ball hit into either area is a GRD - although if if its hit in the AIR into the trees, we give them a HR. So I make sure the visitors are aware of all this. Pregame does not last more than a minute this time of year.
Even though you do ask the coaches if their team is properly equipped, you still have to do an equipment check.....however, again, if I have a team more than a couple times, I just do a cursory check of the bats, but I still check the helmets - especially the cages...usually find one or two a week that the cages need tightening...
I actually one team two days in a row this week- so I semi humorously asked the coach if they bought any new helmets or bats the last 24 hours.....