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Old Fri May 06, 2011, 04:25pm
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Katy, Texas
Posts: 8,033
Plate Conference

Starting tourney season, with teams from divergent leagues finally coming together to play real softball. Here's my plate:

1. Accept lineups, ensure P and C are marked and subs labelled appropriately.
2. "Coach, I see your P is #8 and C is #4, and you've listed 3 subs. Are you comfortable with this lineup?" (Repeat with other coach).
3. "Coach, are your girls properly equipped, and have they removed all jewelry?" (Get both to say yes independently)
4. "OK, we've got X time limit, Y run limit, mercy rule of 10,8,6 (or whatever) after 3, 4, and 5. I'd like to remind you (whatever the league wants reminded, and...) you've got 1 minute between half innings.
5. If 10U, mention any age-specific rules. If any league/tourney/ground rules, mention those as well as any oddities on the field (That gate over their doesn't close all the way, here's how we're handling that).
6. Do either of you have any questions?
7. Partner, do you have anything? (We've usually talked about this before - he may ask 1 or 2 of the above questions)
7. We're on the clock, send 'em out.

Any critiques?

Surely better than the one I heard recently...

"Coaches, let me start right here. This is your warning. If I hear any crap from anyone you're gone. If you have a question call time and ask the umpire that made the call, but keep it short. You're in charge of your parents, if I hear any crap from any of them, you're gone. Now, play ball."
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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